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UTM tracking

UTM tracking will flow from your Member Kitchens app into your marketing analytics so you can gauge effectiveness of your campaigns

Updated over 2 months ago

Member Kitchens supports the tracking of UTM parameters. The Marketing analytics panel is where you can see the effectiveness of your external marketing.

App station > Analytics > Marketing

What is UTM?

UTM parameters are added to the links you generate external to Member Kitchens, like Instagram posts, email newsletters, purchase links, etc. UTM tracking is a common used across the can learn more about them here.


Why use them?

By using UTM parameters, you can find out which content you are generating results in new users! You can tell if your users are responding to your Instagram posts vs. an email you sent, and much more.


Member Kitchens support

Your Member Kitchens app supports

  • utm_campaign

  • utm_source

  • utm_medium

parameters via the marketing analytics charts.


How to add them

Adding utm parameters is done outside of your Member Kitchens app, wherever you are generating content and creating links. These parameters are appended to your original links either manually or with a UTM link generator like this one.

For example, let's say you are running a Summer promo to generate new signups and you will be posting this to Instagram and sending an email with a link. You would generate 2 different links with the same Campaign name, but different Medium and Source values.

Now when you create your Instagram post, you use the IG link instead of the original link destination URL. And for you email, you do the same but with the email link.


The results

After you start using UTM parameters, your marketing analytics panel will show break down your new users and signup conversions by the Campaign, Source and Medium.

By doing this, you will be able to see if your campaign was effective, and specifically which method of customer acquisition was most beneficial.

In Member Kitchens, the charts will use the INITIAL utm parameters, which will give you the parameters for each user when the FIRST hit the Member Kitchens app.

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