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Member recipes
Updated over a week ago

In addition to using YOUR recipe content, members can also add their own recipes to be used in meal plans as well.

Member recipes are seen only by the member that creates them

Only Active and Trialing members can use this feature, Freemium users are excluded

Enable member recipes

App station > Settings > Recipes

As the admin of your app, you can control whether or not members are allowed to add their own recipes.

Recipe format

Member recipes do not contain all the properties of the recipes you create as an admin, they only have access to the basics.

  • Title

  • Servings

  • Time

  • Ingredients

  • Instruction steps

  • Cover image

Adding a member recipe

Members can create a recipe from the main Recipes panel

Recipe basics

A default image is provided in case members do not wish to bother with a picture, however they can easily add one by clicking the edit button. On a mobile device, this will allow them to choose an existing photo, or take a new one with their camera.

The title, servings and time may also be set.

Adding ingredients

Apps that have pre-filled ingredients will allow members to select an existing ingredient, or add their own, while others will only have the option to add their own ingredient names.

Quantity, unit of measure and shopping aisle also need to be set.

Making changes

Member may edit or delete their own recipes


Nutrition values are calculated, when possible. In other words, if a user has the ability to select from the pre-filled list of ingredients, the nutrition will be calculated and displayed. However, if that is not possible, nutrition will not show on the recipe as it could not be calculated.

Using member recipes

  • Once added, member recipes have the same functionality as admin recipes.

  • Member recipes are only shown and available for use to the member that created it

  • Member recipes are included in recipe searches

Recipe lists

If you utilize Recipe categories, members will have a new category call My Recipes. Otherwise, member recipes will appear at the beginning of the recipes lists.

Member recipes do not appear in your recipe categories, nor the All recipes page in order to highlight your own content.

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