There are two main grid options for organizing your meal plans:
Recipes list
Weekly grid
They function the same, in that you add recipes to the various blocks within the grid, and each has their unique manner in displaying your plan.
Recipes list
The recipes list grid has two options:
Show sections (Unlimited groupings of recipes)
Hide sections (a simple list)
App station > Settings > Meal plans
The meal plan layout controls how ALL Recipes list meal plans are displayed. Choosing Hide sections
will turn your meal plans using the Recipes list option into a simple list of recipes, while Show sections
gives you the ability to create any number of categories to server as placeholders.
Hide sections
Show sections
Weekly grid
The weekly grid type of meal plan presents a 7 day grid, allowing you to organize your recipes by day. Each day provides a summary of Calories, Fat, Carbohydrates and Protein based on the recipes included. You can add as many recipes are needed for each day.
Reorder recipes
On all meal plans, you can reorder recipes simply by dragging a recipe using its move handle to another location.
Serving size
The serving size for each block in a plan, can be altered from the original value of the recipe. The shopping list and inline ingredient references will be scaled to match the serving size.