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Content ratings
Updated over a week ago

Content ratings allow your members to provide valuable feedback on your content via a simple 5 star rating.

Ratings can be enabled on

  • Recipes

  • Meal plans

  • Pantry items

Enabling ratings

App station > Settings > Community

Ratings can be enabled individually for the different types of content.

Ratings on content

Applies to recipes, pantry items and meal plans

When enabled, recipe ratings will be displayed in the upper right of your recipe cards, showing the average of all ratings. If no rating have been applied, a grey star will be shown.

When a recipe is viewed, it's average rating will be displayed in the bottom right of the recipe image. When tapped, it takes the user to their own rating for this recipe. The member can also simply scroll down to see/set their rating.

Admin view of ratings

Kitchen prep

The rating for each piece of content is displayed in the Kitchen prep section where you can sort to find the highest rated content.

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