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Content comments
Updated over a week ago

When enabled, your members can comment on your recipes, pantry items and meal plans. These comments are tied directly to a particular piece of content, allowing for conversations about specific items like a new recipe or latest meal plan.

Comments and replies to comments have a text field, and also allow for a single image to be posted along with the comment.

And the comments are displayed at the bottom of the recipe (or meal plan, pantry item)

Enabling comments

App station > Settings > Community

Each type of content has its own toggle for enabling comments, allowing you to have comments on recipes, but not anything else, etc.

You can enable comments on:

  • Recipes

  • Meal plans

  • Pantry items


When enabled, everybody can add their own comment. However, you can separately control whether your members are ALSO allowed to REPLY to a comment. As the admin you are always allowed to reply to any comment. The end result with the setting enabled is that your members will not be allowed to directly reply to another members comments, but you still can.


Mandatory admin moderation

As the admin, you always have the ability to Block any comment or reply of a member (see below). When the Mandatory admin moderation setting is enabled, new comments will need to be approved by an admin before being displayed to other members. The author of the comment will see their own comment immediately, but others will not until the admin Approves the comment/reply.

When this setting is not enabled, new comments are immediately seen by all members.


Daily new comments email

When enabled all admin's will receive an email each day with a recap of new comments within the last 24 hours. If there have been no new comments, the email is not sent.


Comment moderation

As the admin, you can view all comments and replies in a single location, and Block/Approve them.

You can also view the original message thread which allows you to reply within the context of the conversation by clicking on View message thread.

You can also Approve, Block or Delete a group of messages:

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