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The pantry in Member Kitchens helps you provide unstructured content like videos, pdf's and article for use in supporting your meal plans

Updated over 3 months ago

The Pantry is a section within the app for you to host various content like PDF's, Video's or an article. It can be enabled and configured at:

App station > Settings > Pantry

Pantry name

The name of this section can be changed to meet your needs, for example, maybe for you it is a "Library". Regardless of what you name it, the admin portions of the site will always refer to it as Pantry. I must be short in order to fit within the application navigation design.

Pantry categories

By default your Pantry is a simple list of items...the categories are hidden.

However you can enable categories to help group your Pantry items.

Default categories

  • Favorites - displays any Pantry items favorites of a user

  • Recently added - displays Pantry items added within the last 30 days

  • Remaining items - displays Pantry items that do not appear within any other category (including custom)

  • Most popular - displays the most popular Pantry items across all your users

Custom categories

You can also create custom categories based on tags you have assigned to items.

Cover media

Each pantry item can have either one image or one video as the cover. Once selected, you will see a preview of the media, and can delete the media at any time.

PDF attachment

Each pantry item can optional have a PDF attachment. Once selected, you'll see it underneath the media, and it too can be deleted at any time.

Title, tags and page body

The title provided will appear on your list of pantry cards, while the page body is displayed only once the card is opened by a user.

Tags are used to help users filter your content, as well as providing a source for your custom categories

Page body

The page body has a rich text editor allowing you to format your text with different styles.

Inside the body, you can include links to external resources, which will open in a new tab for your users


You can immediately publish items, save them as drafts for future use, or schedule them for publication at a date and time in the future.

Member viewing

Search and filter

Users can search for items by your title, and can filter via tags you have associate with each item.

Your members can open Pantry items to see your content.

PDF viewing

Users have the option of viewing the PDF, or downloading to their device.

Each type of device handles downloads differently

Video playback

Videos will begin playing immediately upon opening the Pantry item.

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